- 开始部分法
把一个单词的开头几个字母当做该单词的缩写。比如 hippopotamus 缩写为hippo,different缩写为diff,这也是linux的一个命令,elementary缩写为elem等等。
- 去掉元音法
去掉单词中的元音字母a, e, i, o, u. 这种方法适合那些既不太长也不太短的单词,去掉元音后的缩写仍然可辨认可读出。例如quality缩写为qlty, teacher缩写为tchr,school缩写为schl,progress缩写为prgrss等等。
- 首尾字母法
- 单词首字母法
提取每个单词的首字母。例如As Soon As Possible缩写为ASAP,By The Way缩写为BTW,Oh My God 缩写为OMG, NotApplicable缩写为NA,For YourInformation缩写为FYI等等。
PeopleSoft HCM规范
PeopleSoft HCM对缩写有统一的规范[2] ,我们看一下都是用了何种缩写方法:
原词 | 缩写 | 缩写方法 |
Address | Addr | 开始部分法 |
Allowance津贴 | Allow | 开始部分法 |
Approval | Apvl | 去掉元音法 |
Approver, approve, or approved | Appr | 开始部分法 |
Button | Btn | 去掉元音法 |
Code | Cd | 去掉元音法 |
Contract | Cont | 开始部分法 |
Effective sequence | Effseq | 单词首字母法 |
General ledger | GL | 单词首字母法 |
Question | Qstn | 去掉元音法 |
Time reporting code | TRC | 单词首字母法 |
Taxable | Txbl | 去掉元音法 |
Year to date | YTD | 单词首字母法 |
Account | ACCT | |
Accounting | ACCTG | |
Accumulated | ACCUM | |
Acquisition | ACQ | |
Action | ACTN | |
Additional | ADDL | |
Address | ADDR | |
Adjustment | ADJ | |
Allocation | ALLOC | |
Amount | AMT | |
Annual | ANNL | |
Applicant | APP | |
Application | APPL | |
Balance | BAL | |
Business Unit | BU | |
Calculation | CALC | |
Calendar | CAL | |
Category | CATG | |
Code | CD | |
Company | CO | |
Comparative | COMPA | |
Confirmation | CONF | |
Control | CNTL | |
Conversation | CONVR | |
Conversion | CNV | |
Convert | CNVT | |
Course | CRSE | |
Coverage | COVRG | |
Credit | CR | |
Currency | CURR | |
Current | CUR | |
Customer | CUST | |
Date | DT | |
Day | DY, DD | |
Debit | DR | |
Deduction | DED | |
Default | DFLT | |
Definition | DEFN | |
Department | DEPT | |
Dependent | DEP | |
Depreciation | DEPR | |
Description | DESCR | |
Destination | DEST | |
Detail | DETL | |
Discount | DISC | |
Distribution | DIST | |
Duplicate | DUP | |
Earnings | EN | |
Effective | EFF | |
Effective Date | EFFDT | |
Sequence | SEQ | |
Eligibility | ELIG | |
Employee | EE | |
Employee ID | EMPLID | |
Employer | ER | |
Financial | FIN | |
Frequency | FREQ | |
Garnishment | GN | |
Header | HDR | |
Hours | HRS | |
Identifier | ID | |
Injury | INJ | |
Inter-Unit | IU | |
Interface | INTFC | |
Investment | INVEST | |
Journal | JRNL | |
Ledger | LED | |
Length | LEN | |
Limit | LIM | |
Line | LN | |
Location | LOC | |
Maintenance | MAINT | |
Maximum | MAX | |
Messages | MSG | |
Minimum | MIN | |
Month | MN, MM | |
Month-to-Date | MTD | |
Number | NBR | |
Operator | OPR | |
Parameter | PM | |
Percent | PCT | |
Period | PD | |
Period-to-Date | PTD | |
Position | POSN | |
Profile | PROF | |
Quantity | QTY | |
Quarter-to-Date | QTD | |
Rate | RT | |
Reason | RSN | |
Received | RECV | |
Reconciliation | RECON | |
Record | REC | |
Reduction | RED | |
Reference | REF | |
Report | RPT | |
Request | REQ | |
Required | REQ | |
Requisition | REQ | |
Requirements | RQMT | |
Retire | RET | |
Retirement | RET | |
Salary | SAL | |
Schedule | SCHED | |
Security | SEC | |
Select | SEL | |
Sequence | SEQ | |
Session | SESSN | |
Statistics | STAT | |
Summary | SUM | |
Supervisor | SUP | |
Supplemental | SUPL | |
Template | TMPL | |
Total | TOT | |
Training | TRN | |
Transaction | TRANS | |
Transfer | XFER | |
Tuition | TUIT | |
Unit of Measure | UOM | |
Vacation | VACN | |
Vehicle | VEH | |
Year | YR, YY | |
Year-to-Date | YTD |